Monthly Winners Newsletter
New e-cards will be added on a monthly basis based on submissions by artists around the world competing in our
e-card art contest. Would you like to have the top new e-cards sent to you every month? Just send an
e-mail with the word Subscribe in the subject line and we would
be happy to send you our free monthly newsletter.
IMPORTANT: The newsletter will
be sent to the e-mail address used to send us the message. Please do NOT specify a different e-mail address. If
you would like the newsletter send to your Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo, or other account, please first login to the account
to which you would like the newsletter sent, and then send us an e-mail. This will help reduce the number
of e-mails sent to invalid e-mail addresses, and will make it easier for us to maintain our list of subscribers.
PRIVACY: Under no circumstance will we ever sell or give out this e-mail address, nor will we send any
unsolicited e-mail. The monthly e-mail will contain a link to the top e-cards of the month and nothing else.